Thursday, February 24, 2011

Independent Post 6

Does fat equal bad?
                Most people in the world feel that being fat is bad. Not many think otherwise. Obesity is always associated with inability to fit into clothing, heart problems, diabetes and immobility. Few think otherwise. What are the disadvantages to being fat? That is an easy question to answer. Obesity rates in the States are high. Even some health experts who comment on how to lose weight efficiently are slightly round themselves. Of course I am not saying that all people in the States are fat, nor am I saying fat people are only found in the States. But coming to think of it, are there only downsides to being fat?
                Being fat would mean an increase in weight, and this weight can be used in situations like an attack. I am not suggesting that people who are heavy engage in fights but in the case of a provocation, one can use one’s massive body weight against the provoker. There are other advantages these people have too! For example: In a tug-of-war game, the strong can afford to pull the weak, but the heavy can pull the light. Take me for example. Due to my tiny size and light weight (Fortunately not underweight), I can be easily be pushed out of the class by anyone bigger than me. Fats can also serve as a protection from the cold. The fats can act as an extra layer of protection from the chill.
                I ask my relatives, usually during New Year, “What’s your new year’s resolution?” A significant amount of relatives of mine states losing weight as one resolution. This New Year resolution, however, is usually unachievable. Somehow, as the year passes, I notice them putting on a little, and few maintain at the same weight. Only one or two lose a little weight. I ask my mum, “What weight do you intend to achieve?” She says “50kg”.
                However, if you are skinny, there are also its disadvantages. You cannot fit into most clothes, like me. You also tend to feel colder than other bigger sized people. You are also more likely to fall ill.
                The better is to be of a healthy size. Not too fat, not too skinny, just right.

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